

Relxation Techniques for Stress Management: How to Create a Relaxation Routine

It’s finally fall, and this time of year makes me reflective. When the temperatures go down and nature slows down, it’s a reminder for us to do the same. In this episode, I’m sharing my relaxation routine and tips on how to build a routine of your own and my go-to relaxation techniques for stress management.

What’s a Relaxation and Stress Management Routine?

Your relaxation routine is whatever you want it to be. Maybe it’s an hour a day spent in your own company, or a weekend a month off the grid, however you find ways to unwind, reconnect with the world and yourself,—that’s your relaxation routine. Mine involves a lot of skincare, self-care, and creative thinking. Basically, whatever helps you turn off one part of your mind and dial into another, that’s the cornerstone of your relaxation practice. Here are 5 ways to build a relaxation routine all your own:

  1. 2:25 - Be intentional and selfish about your energy and routine. Plan for it! Take a moment and look ahead on your calendar to set aside dedicated time to practice your relaxation routine. The quote ‘if you plan, to fail you fail to plan’ especially applies to relaxing. By being selfish with your energy and being intentional about taking your relaxation routine seriously, it’s easier to get back on the horse if you fall off.

  2. 3:35 - Romanticize your own life and make a date with yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything intense, but get serious about blocking off time that says ‘Date Night with Me.’ During this time, do whatever you want! Romanticize your own life! Time spent in your own company is never time wasted.

  3. 5:05 - The ultimate relaxation cheat code: Indulge the five senses. That means do something that honors your sense of touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. For my relaxation routine, I’ll choose an activity that honors each of those scents and dedicate a half hour to each one.

  4. 9:19 - Focus on little luxurious moments. This concept was introduced to me by Lydia Elise Milen-Gordon, an outstanding creator and businesswoman I’ve been following for years. Recently, Lydia’s been delving more into internal happiness and how everyone’s definition of luxury is different. For me, luxury is going out into my garden in the mornings and seeing new tomatoes, planting seeds, hearing church-bells, adding essential oil mist to my freshly-laundered clothes—those are my favorite luxurious moments. Empowering yourself with luxurious moments is crucial to a relaxation routine. Luxury is quality time, not quality things, and a relaxation routine that reflects that doesn’t cost a thing.

  5. 11:50 - Create before you consume!! This is a doozy. When I focus on creating before I consume, I notice the anxiety I have around creating was a result of consuming. By creating before consuming you’re able to focus where you want your attention to go when you’re relaxing. This is an easy way to incorporate your relaxation routine into your every-day practice. While waiting for water to boil, sit and write a list of your intentions for the day, or leave your favorite auntie a voicemail. It’s all about creating what you want to SEE in the world, before allowing yourself to be sucked in BY the world.

    What do you do to relax? Sho w me your relaxation routine on Instagram at @Bribookspod and tag me!

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