

10 Best Movies for When You're Feeling Blue

10 Best Movies for When You're Feeling Blue

Whether you're having a gloomy day or need something uplifting to watch in the background, here are the laugh-out-loud-worthy movies you need to revisit. Devil Wears Prada  Ferris Bueller's Day Off  The Breakfast Club  Moulin Rouge  Matilda  Coming to America  500 Days of Summer  Harold and Maude  Eve’s Bayou  Atlantis: The Lost Empire 

I’m sharing the movies I think that will help just about everyone--whether you’re having a gloomy day, or just need to laugh. These are the movies I watched 10 years ago and I’m still watching now that I keep coming back to. They’re my uplifting background noise movies. 

  1. Devil Wears Prada 

  2. Ferris Bueller's Day Off 

  3. The Breakfast Club 

  4. Moulin Rouge 

  5. Matilda 

  6. Coming to America 

  7. 500 Days of Summer 

  8. Harold and Maude 

  9. Eve’s Bayou 

  10. Atlantis: The Lost Empire 

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